Author Archives: brian

The Systemic Sickness of War and Violence – Personal and Collective Healing

We Are Not Worth More ­– They Are Not Worth Less As the globe quakes from the weight of violent and selfish human activity, sometimes that energy rocks through my body, mind and soul with such force I feel nearly paralyzed by it. It is like slipping into low-level depression, accompanied by feelings of inadequacy […]

Fundamentalism on Steroids

The US military establishment rolled out the imperial concept of “Full Spectrum Dominance” in 1998, underlining its commitment to a global position “beyond challenge” at all levels: land, sea, air, outer space, cyber space, even “inner” space of our minds. But, a global imperial policy has its roots in our civilization’s history, and its current […]

The Defining and Enabling Experience of Our “Civilization” — Genocide and THE THANKSGIVING MYTH

As we again plan to celebrate what "Americans" call Thanksgiving, let us pause for a moment of reflection. Let us recognize that accounts of the first Thanksgiving are mythological, and that the holiday is actually a grotesque celebration of our arrogant ethnocentrism.

Surveillance, Searches, Wiretapping Without Warrants; Deportations Without Due Process, Have Long U.S. History

Introduction Searching for honest history enables us to possess a critical frame of reference in which to judge current policies, and in which to re-evaluate the authenticity of our supposed “Constitutional Republic.” From the origins of our Republic, the Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton feared that “democracy” could easily lapse into chaos, believing that a […]

RE 2012 so-called US Presidential Selection

What a distraction an election is from serious pursuit of our human responsibilities and sensitivities. We are increasingly aware that industrial civilization is on a collision course with life itself on the Planet, and the modern Eurocentric nation state’s political economies such as in the USA are coordinating the plunder toward our extinction as the […]

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