Author Archives: brian

US Commission of War Crimes Is the General Rule

(Originally written June 14, 2009) The (UK) Sunday Times Online Edition, June 14, 2009, reported that the Bush II administration Iraq policy agreed to accept 30 civilian deaths (murders) for each attack on a “high-value” target. Under the Obama administration the acceptable number has been reportedly reduced to single digits (“Afghan Villagers Slain As They […]

A Dialogue With the Great Spirit – A Satirical Poem

Originally written the night of January 17-18, 1991 Upon hearing of the news on the radio in the evening of January 17, 1991 that President Bush had launched US bombing of Iraq, I spent much of the night into the wee morning hours of January 18 writing this satirical poem…….   O Great Spirit, Thank […]

All War IS Local

“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense [sic] than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” – Martin Luther King, Jr., “A Time To Break Silence,” April 4, 1967, Riverside Church, New York City Introduction On a recent visit to my neighborhood library in SE Portland, […]

US Total Lawless State; Petition to UN for Redress

NOTE: In 1990, I submitted the following petition to the United Nations in efforts to bring attention to the lawlessness of the United States, and for protection from US repression. S. Brian Willson P.O. Box 170670 San Francisco, CA 94117 July 26, 1990 Chief, Special Procedures, Center For Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva Palais des […]

Police Brutality – Historic Pattern Continues

Police Brutality – Historic Pattern Continues (written August 3, 2012 by SBW) A July 2012 report published by the Global Justice Clinic (New York University School of Law), and the Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic at the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice (Fordham Law School), details from September 2011 to July 2012 […]

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