Author Archives: brian

Police Brutality in Anaheim

Anaheim, CA police  face  allegations of murder and brutality after fatally shooting two Latino men and firing rubber bullets at crowds of protesters. Residents there are calling for police accountability since 2009, when officers shot and killed Cesar Cruz, a 35-year-old father of five. This is the eighth officer-involved shooting within one year in the […]


Viet Nam’s PHOENIX assassination program is now global Obomber has embraced a disputed method so as not to count civilian casualties – counting all military-age males in a US designated strike zone as combatants, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent. CIA Chief William Colby declared that some 67,282 persons had been neutralized by […]

What is Evil?

Obomber describes the Aurora, CO killings of 12 theater goers an “evil act.” US President Barack Obama described the July shootings in a Colorado theater that claimed 12 lives as an “act of evil”. At the same time, Obomber has assumed a moral high ground responsibility in ordering the murders of hundreds, if not thousands, […]

History US military Overt and Covert Global Interventions

I. Overt Military Interventions  A.  Congressional Research Service (CRS). (February 2, 2009). Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2008. Washington, D.C.: CRS Report for Congress.  Annotation: 167 interventions from “1798-1800” (undeclared naval war with France) to 1941-45 (WWII) plus 163 interventions from 1945 (China) to 2008 (Kosovo/Afghanistan). Total: 330 interventions, (163 + […]

American Freefall – Iraq, Afghanistan Cost $6 Trillion

These two wars have been expensive. According to estimates by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, when all costs are counted the Iraq invasion cost US taxpayers $3 trillion dollars. Ditto for the Afghan war. In other words, the two gratuitous wars doubled the US public debt. This is the reason there is no money for […]

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